Innovative and Special Projects

Innovative and Special Projects (ISP)
In keeping with the Mission’s need to learn from innovative initiatives the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) will promote novel approaches in the form of innovative and special projects. The objective of projects under this component will be to implement a time-bound programme to demonstrate an approach that is likely to have wide implications for sustaining urban poverty alleviation efforts.
A project taken up under this component may include pioneering approaches, innovations to strategies under DAY-NULM, or catalysing efforts in geographical areas where these have not been undertaken before. These projects may also include activities not possible to address through the normal course of DAY-NULM implementation. Further, special projects to address livelihood issues of most vulnerable sections like physically-challenged, rag pickers, domestic workers, rickshaw pullers, sanitation workers and other such vulnerable groups may also be taken up.
Innovative / special projects may be undertaken on a partnership mode involving CBOs, NGOs, semi-government Organisations, private sector, industry associations, government departments/ agencies, urban local bodies, national/state/city resource centres or international organisations.
The proposals for Innovative & Special Projects must be situated in the cities covered by DAY-NULM.
Project Proposal
Government departments / agencies, urban local bodies, and registered bodies such as CBOs, NGOs, semi-government organisations, the private sector, industry associations, educational and/or research institutions, and national / state / city resource centres propose projects under this component to the State Government / SULM in the prescribed format with an advance copy of the proposal to the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM.
The State Government / SULM will examine the proposal in terms of profile and experience of the agency proposing the project, justification and feasibility of the project, funding details, modalities for implementation, time schedule for completion etc., and send their recommendations/comments along with the proposal to the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM.
The consent of the State Government / ULB or any other agency who will be required to maintain the assets, or sustain the project, after the project period is over, is required to be produced at the over, is time of recommending the project to the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM.
All proposals received from the State Government / SULM are to be screened by the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM. For projects requiring professional appraisal, the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM may engage an agency for this purpose, and the cost of appraisal will be paid to such agency out of the A&OE funds under DAY-NULM.
Sanction of Projects
The project proposals recommended by the State Governments/SULM are to be considered by the Project Approval Committee (PAC), constituted by the Ministry of HUA for approval of the projects. The PAC, at the time of sanction of the project, will also prescribe the time schedule within which the project will be completed. However, this may be revised taking into account unforeseen factors or other such circumstances by the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM.
The composition of the Project Approval Committee (PAC) will be as follows:
First Name | Last Name | Points |
1 | Secretary, M/o HUA | Chairperson |
2 | Joint Secretary i/c of NULM, M/o HUA | Member |
3 | Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, M/o HUA | Member |
4 | Joint Secretary (JNNURM & RAY), M/o HUA | Member |
5 | Mission Director(s), SULM of the concerned states which have submitted proposals under I&SP component | Member(s) |
6 | Any other person(s) invited by the Chairperson | Member(s) |
7 | Director / Dy. Secretary i/c of NULM, M/o HUA | Member-Convenor |
Representatives of the agencies proposing projects are called to make presentations or provide clarifications at the meetings of the PAC, if considered necessary.
The PAC also invite technical experts and the appraisal agency as attendees to the meetings to provide inputs on the proposals received under this component.
Funding Pattern
Under DAY-NULM, up to five (5) percent of the total Central Funds will be used for Innovative & Special Projects. This component will be centrally administered and no state share will be required for the projects sanctioned under this component. The funding support for a project under this component will depend on the nature of projects and will not be subject to the funding norms under other existing components of DAY-NULM.
On approval of the project by the PAC, the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM release the funds to the State Government / SULM for onward release to the implementing agency. The Funds will be released to the State Government/SULM in appropriate number of installments as approved by the PAC. Second and subsequent installments will be released only after submission of Utilization Certificate for at least 75% of the funds already released.
A bi-partite agreement will be signed for the implementation of the project between the concerned State Government (SULM) and the agency undertaking the project. This agreement must have clear project outputs and deliverables, and must clearly indicate payment milestones.
The SULM is required to maintain a separate account for funds released under this component. As funds released to the State/UT Governments/SULM under this component are meant for particular projects, therefore the release of Grants-in-Aid to States for implementation of other components of DAY-NULM will not depend on the utilization of funds released for projects under I&SP component.
Audit of the approved I&SP project is required to be carried by an Auditor (Chartered Accountant) appointed for the purpose. The audit may preferably be done through a Chartered Accountant empanelled by the CAG or the Income Tax Department.
The interest amount accrued on the deposits of the I&SP Project funds in Banks at State and Implementing Agency levels shall be treated as part of the Project funds and shall be utilized on Project activities only. Accordingly, the interest earned on funds should be shown separately and should be added to the available funds while claiming subsequent installments.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The implementing agencies shall report quarterly progress in formats prescribed from time-to-time, indicating achievements and any key issues in implementation. Whenever the outcome of the projects is in terms of coverage of beneficiaries, the number of women beneficiaries should be separately reflected in the project proposal and progress reports.
On completion of the project, the implementing agency shall submit a report on the implementation, learning and suggestions for scaling-up and incorporation of the learning into DAY-NULM State Government and DAY-NULM Mission Directorate.
Normally, project proposals will have a provision of evaluation by a professional agency on completion of the project. The cost of evaluation will be incorporated in the project cost itself. However, for the purpose of evaluation of these projects, the National Mission Directorate, DAY-NULM may also engage a separate agency if needed and the cost of evaluation will be paid to the selected agency from out of A&OE funds under DAY-NULM.

Innovative and Special Projects (ISP)
In keeping with the Mission’s need to learn from innovative initiatives the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) will promote novel approaches in the form of innovative and special projects. The objective of projects under this component will be to implement a time-bound programme to demonstrate an approach that is likely to have wide implications for sustaining urban poverty alleviation efforts.
A project taken up under this component may include pioneering approaches, innovations to strategies under DAY-NULM, or catalysing efforts in geographical areas where these have not been undertaken before. These projects may also include activities not possible to address through the normal course of DAY-NULM implementation. Further, special projects to address livelihood issues of most vulnerable sections like physically-challenged, rag pickers, domestic workers, rickshaw pullers, sanitation workers and other such vulnerable groups may also be taken up.
Innovative / special projects may be undertaken on a partnership mode involving CBOs, NGOs, semi-government Organisations, private sector, industry associations, government departments/ agencies, urban local bodies, national/state/city resource centres or international organisations.
The proposals for Innovative & Special Projects must be situated in the cities covered by DAY-NULM.