Capacity Building and training

CBT - Capacity Building and training
Tamil Nadu Urban Livelihoods Mission (TNULM), aims to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor.
For achieving the above goal, TNULM regularly organising Capacity Building Trainings at various level of Government officials involved in the implementation as well as technical experts at SMMU, CMMU and DMMU. TNULM has developed various guidelines with updated norms and rules of State Government in the fields of Poverty Alleviation, Social Mobilisation, Financial Inclusion, Livelihoods Promotion, Human Resources etc.
The key objectives of the Capacity Building and Training (CB&T) component are:
- To transform the role of State Agencies in charge of urban poverty alleviation into facilitators of high quality technical assistance in the field of livelihood promotion and urban poverty alleviation;
- To build strong institutional structures at the State, District and City levels for efficient implementation of the TNULM and;
- To build capacity of the urban poor, their institutions and the machinery involved in the implementation of TNULM.
The TNULM is having a three-tier structure at state, district and Urban Local Body (ULB) levels for implementation of the programme. These tiers are closely interlinked and guided by the common objective of promoting sustainable livelihoods for the poor and work with the goal of eradication of urban poverty and empowerment of the urban poor.
Administration and Implementation structure at State level
State Urban Livelihoods Mission (SULM) is responsible for implementation of NULM. In SULM Tamil Nadu, there is a State Mission Director appointed by State Government. In addition, 2 Joint Directors on Deputation from Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department (MA&WS) are working to assist the State Mission Director in the scheme implementation.
In the State Mission Management Unit (SMMU), there is a support team with 6 State Mission Managers and supporting staff.
The overall responsibilities of the SMMU are as follows:
- To facilitate implementation of TNULM in the state;
- To facilitate establishment of DMMUs at district level;
- To provide professional and technical inputs on specific components of TNULM;
- To prepare Urban Poverty Reduction Strategy/Livelihood Development Plan for the state;
- To support cities in preparation of City Livelihood Development Plans;
- To coordinate and develop convergence with other Missions and programmes in the state;
- To organize state level capacity building programmes, workshops, seminars and cross-learning visits etc. of key government staff as well as technical experts involved in implementation of TNULM at DMMU and SMMU levels;
- To document the progress and process of implementation and best practices of TNULM;
- To undertake/commission studies to assess the impact of the TNULM;
- To coordinate with various departments of state government, central government, banks and such organisations to help implementation of TNULM at the state level.
The TNULM is having a three-tier structure at state, district and Urban Local Body (ULB) levels for implementation of the programme. These tiers are closely interlinked and guided by the common objective of promoting sustainable livelihoods for the poor and work with the goal of eradication of urban poverty and empowerment of the urban poor.
Administration and Implementation structure at District level
Tamil Nadu has 38 Districts and each (DMMU) is headed by Project Director deputed from Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department (RD&PR). Each District has an Assistant Project Officer and Support staff at District level for monitoring the implementation of the project.
Community Organisers (COs) are posted at City / ULB level working under the control of DMMU. Every CO covers on an average 3000 Urban poor families.
Key Responsibility Areas
a) State Mission Manager – Social Mobilisation and Institution Development (SMID)
- Ensure that state and cities adhere to the guidelines prescribed by TNULM.
- Develop work plan for implementation of social mobilisation component in the state.
- Responsible for the SM&ID targets of the state with respect to community mobilisation, SHGs, Federations and Revolving Fund.
- Identification and empanelment of Resource Organisations (ROs) under TNULM, of necessary.
- Ensure the SHGs, ALF and CLF structures are established across all cities in the state.
- Identifying technical and capacity building resource agencies, regular interface and engage them in implementation of TNULM.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Support the resource agencies in capacity building/ sensitization of CMMUs with in or across the states. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules, arranging cross learning workshops related to KRAs as and when required.
- Arranging for appropriate linkages with relevant agencies/departments and integrate social mobilisation agenda in implementing of TNULM.
- Ensure reporting of the Social Mobilisation and Institution Development component.
- Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful implementation of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, TNULM.
b) State Mission Manager – Skills and Livelihoods
- Ensure that state and cities adhere to the EST&P guidelines prescribed byTNULM.
- Prepare work plan for EST&P agenda across the state.
- Responsible for the EST & P targets of the state.
- Responsible for identification and empanelment of Skill Training Providers (STPs), agencies for accreditation and certification.
- Monitoring the performance quality of the STPs and other agencies involved.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Support the resource agencies in capacity building/ sensitization of CMMUs. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules, arranging cross learning workshops related to KRAs as and when required.
- Ensure linkages with industry associations, skill development mission, sector skill councils, line departments, resource institutes, and other relevant agencies.
- Ensure reporting Key Result Areas. Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful implementation of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, SULM.
c) State Mission Manager – Capacity Building and Training
- Ensure that state and cities adhere to the guidelines prescribed by TNULM.
- Prepare work plan for implementation of CB&T component in the state.
- Responsible for the CB&T targets of the state.
- Ensure CMMU structures are established and staffed across all cities in the state.
- Identifying technical and capacity building resource agencies, regular interface and engage them for building the capacities of the stakeholders of TNULM.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Support the resource agencies in capacity building/ sensitization ofCMMUs within or across the states. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules, arranging cross learning workshops related to KRAs as and when required.
- Arranging for appropriate linkages with relevant agencies/departments in order to strengthen the capacities of the staff and other stakeholders of TNULM.
- Reporting KRAs.
- Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful implementation of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, TNULM.
d) State Mission Manager – Financial Inclusion and Micro Enterprises
- Ensure that state and cities adhere to the guidelines prescribed by TNULM.
- Prepare work plan for Universal Financial Inclusion (UFI) and Self Employment Programme (SEP) agenda across the cities.
- Responsible for UFI & SEP targets of the state.
- Ensure the bank linkages for SHGs, ALF and its members.
- Facilitate access to credit for micro enterprises set up by the urban poor.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Support the resource agencies in capacity building/ sensitization of CMMUs within or across the states. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules, arranging cross learning workshops related to imparting financial literacy to urban poor and other KRAs as and when required.
- Arranging for appropriate linkages with relevant agencies/departments and integrate UFI and SEP agenda in implementation of TNULM.
- Ensure reporting KRAs.
- Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful implementation of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, TNULM.
e) State Mission Manager – Shelters and Social Infrastructure and Support to Urban Street Vendors
- Ensure that cities adhere to the guidelines prescribed by TNULM.
- Ensure implementation of SUSV & SUH components in the state.
- Work closely with ULBs with regard to CLCs, Vendor Markets and Shelters for Urban homeless.
- Ensure that all the city vendor development plan are prepared and operationalized level.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Responsible for ensuring linkages with other line departments at the state level for integrating the social infrastructure agenda for effective coordination and implementation of the mission at the state level.
- Support the resource agencies in capacity building/ sensitization of CMMUs within or across the states. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules, arranging cross learning workshops related to KRAs as and when required.
- Ensure reporting KRAs.
- Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful implementation of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, TNULM.
f) State Mission Manager – MIS & ME
- Prepare work plan for monitoring of the components of TNULM.
- Responsible for the ensuring proper implementation of MIS at the state level, compilation of information across the cities and submission of the same to the national level.
- Undertake field visit to cities /ULBs for real time monitoring of the scheme.
- Ensure timely information is submitted by ULBs (CMMUs) foraccessing the percolation of the program at grass root level at state level.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to the City Mission Management Units.
- Support capacity building of CMMUs within or across the states in implementation of MIS and M&E. S/he will also oversee the development of capacity building modules related to MIS etc.
- Ensure adherence to all monitoring and reporting systems like baseline study, MPRs, Process Documentation etc.
- Work closely with other State Mission Managers at the state level for successful monitoring of TNULM.
- Perform any other related tasks assigned by the State Mission Director, TNULM.
Key responsibilities of District Mission Management Unit
District Mission Mangement Unit will have the experts (Mission Mangers / Assistant Project Officers) for Monitoring of successful implemention of TNULM at District level
- Ensure the adherence of the guidelines prescribed by TNULM.
- Develop work plan for implementation of TNULM
- Responsible for the SM&ID targets with respect to community mobilisation, SHGs, Federations, Revolving Fund, CLCs etc.
- Ensure the SHGs, ALF and CLF structures are established.
- Responsible for providing need based Technical Assistance to Community Organisers (COs).
- Arranging for appropriate linkages with relevant agencies/departments and integrate social mobilisation agenda in implementing of TNULM.
- Prepare work plan for EST&P as per the guidelines prescribed by TNULM iii.
- Ensure identification of Skill Training Providers (STPs) at the city level and monitoring the performance quality of the STPs and other agencies involved.
- Ensure linkages with industry associations, skill development mission, sector skill councils, line departments, resource organisation, and other relevant agencies.
- Prepare work plan for Universal Financial Inclusion (UFI) and Self Employment Programme (SEP)
- Ensure the bank linkages for SHGs and its members.
- Responsible for monitoring of credit linkage to street vendors and livelihoods for the residents of Shelters for Urban Homeless etc.
- Responsible for the ensuring proper implementation of MIS, compilation of information at the ULB level and submission of the same to the state.
- Undertake real time monitoring of the scheme.
- Responsible for timely submission of information to state.
- Adhere to all monitoring and reporting systems like baseline study, MPRs, Process documentation etc.
- Work closely with other Managers for successful monitoring of TNULM.
The major responsibilities of the Community Organizers (COs)
- Facilitating and promoting voluntiarism and organizing community structures/groups of the BPL population in urban areas. Identification and federating vulnerable urban population like Rag pickers, Sanitation workers, Street Vendors etc.
- Organizing community level training and information sharing;
- Identification and capacity building of community resource persons(CRP) for strengthening of NULM activities.
- Verification, restructuring and revival of old urban SHGs formed.
- Guiding and assisting the community in need assessment andformulating plans based on local demand
- Liason with the sectoral departments; facilitating the implementation of convergence activities with various government department like Health, ICDS, Slum Clearance board etc. to establish initial contacts with the community
- Facilitating community skill Training and Placement foremployment by mobilizing suitable urban candidates;
- Identification of suitable beneficiaries for self employment ventures, facilitating bank linkage for individual and group enterprises, preparation of the applications for bank linkage and subsequent follow up with the ULBs /Banks / Administration until final disposal of the application. Federating street vendors forpromoting their livelihood activities and facilitation for the bank linkage.
- Regular follow up with the financed beneficiaries to monitor the progress of the self-employment venture as also timely repayment of loans etc. Planning and coordination for necessary Entrepreneurship Development Training (EDT) for the SEP beneficiaries
- Implementation of NULM activities in slum areas (Notified, Non-Notified) and slum tenements.
- Identification and facilitating marketing linkages for the urban SHGproducts through District Mission Management Units.
- Facilitating the functioning of CLCs in order to bridge demand- supply gap in urban areas for a plethora of services which are in huge demand, but are unorganised and non-standardised. Facilitating market linkages and ensuring standards based service delivery will enhance the competencies of the urban poor resulting in higher incomes
- Monitoring the data updation of NULM activities in MIS portal.
- Any other function as may be assigned for furtherance of thetarget of alleviating urban poverty.
Manuals and guidelines for capacity building trainings of stakeholders at state, district and city level
The State Mission Management Unit (SMMU) has prepared Manuals in Tamil for State Urban Poverty Reduction Strategy/ Livelihood Development Plan on all components of TNULM project.
The manuals developed by TNULM are as follows:
- Social Mobilisation and Institutional Development
- The Training manual for SHG members
- The Training manual for Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and Animator & Representatives
- The Training manual on Fund management for ALF office bearers
- Skill Training and Placement
- Self-Employment Programme
- Shelter for Urban Homeless
- Support to Urban Street Vendors
- Online MIS user manual
TNULM facilitated the preparation of City Livelihood Development Plans, ensuring implementation of mission activities at the city level, guided the city units in organizational and technical issues; organized state level capacity building trainings and workshops to promote the objectives of the Mission in the state with assistance of the network of resource centers/institutes. State Mission Management Unit documented the progress and process of implementation and best practices and undertook concurrent/periodic evaluation and social audit.
In Tamil Nadu, the training agency, Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore is one of the partners to provide Capacity Building Training for various state holders of TNULM and Community Based Organizations.
Following trainings are covered for key stake holders of Mission;
Sl. No | Name of the Training | Participants | No of Participants | Duration | Venue | Trainer |
1 | Orientation on NULM | COs | 700 | 4 days | SIRD and RIRDs | SMMU |
2 | MIS Training | MIS & DEOs | 64 | 2 days | TNCDW | NMMU |
3 | PAiSA Portal Training | MIS & DEOs | 64 | 1 day | Trichy | NMMU |
4 | Orientation on NULM | APOs | 32 | 2 days | TNIUS | SMMU |
5 | Orientation on e-Governance for CLCs | COs | 15 | 1 day | TNCDW | SMMU |
6 | Refreshment Training | Master Trainer COs | 64 | 2 days | TNIUS | SMMU |
7 | Orientation on NULM | PDs | 32 | 1 day | TNCDW | SMMU |
8 | Induction Training | Newly Recruited APOs & Thematic Specialists | 36 | 6 days | TNIUS | NMMU |
9 | Orientation Training on ESTP, Monitoring and Placement etc., | APOs, MIS & DEOs | 60 | 1 day | TNIUS | SMMU |
10 | Smart Portal Orientation for EST&P updation | APOs and PIAs | 120 | 1 day | TNIUS | SMMU |
11 | Strengthening of Existing City Livelihood Centre and strengthening of CIGs among Street Vendors | APOs (35), ALF and CLF member & CLC Managers (35) | 70 | 2 days | By Online | SMMU |
12 | Regional Meeting Banker Orientation Programme | Project Directors (32) & Lead District Managers (30) | 62 | 1 day | By Online | SMMU |
13 | Training for ALF members on Governance and Fund management | All ALF members | 12320 members in 1120 ALFs | By batches | By Online | SMMU |
Following trainings are covered for key stake holders of Mission;
Sl. No | Name of the Training | Participants | No. of. Participants |
1 | Orientation on formation of CBOs | CRPs | |
2 | Orientation on CBOs’ trainings | CRPs | 2306 |
3 | Training on SHG Auditing and Accounts | CRPs | 2306 |
4 | Training on skills and livelihoods | CRPs | 2306 |
5 | Training on Financial Linkage and Entrepreneurship | CRPs | 1208 |
6 | Training on CLC management & Marketing | CRPs | 1208 |
7 | Training on Health & Convergence | Community Resource Persons | 1208 |

CBT - Capacity Building and training
Tamil Nadu Urban Livelihoods Mission (TNULM), aims to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor.
For achieving the above goal, TNULM regularly organising Capacity Building Trainings at various level of Government officials involved in the implementation as well as technical experts at SMMU, CMMU and DMMU. TNULM has developed various guidelines with updated norms and rules of State Government in the fields of Poverty Alleviation, Social Mobilisation, Financial Inclusion, Livelihoods Promotion, Human Resources etc.
The key objectives of the Capacity Building and Training (CB&T) component are:
- To transform the role of State Agencies in charge of urban poverty alleviation into facilitators of high quality technical assistance in the field of livelihood promotion and urban poverty alleviation;
- To build strong institutional structures at the State, District and City levels for efficient implementation of the TNULM and;
- To build capacity of the urban poor, their institutions and the machinery involved in the implementation of TNULM.
The TNULM is having a three-tier structure at state, district and Urban Local Body (ULB) levels for implementation of the programme. These tiers are closely interlinked and guided by the common objective of promoting sustainable livelihoods for the poor and work with the goal of eradication of urban poverty and empowerment of the urban poor.