Thiru. Murthy Karnan
State Mission Manager (SEP), TNULM/ DAY-NULM, Tamil Nadu
Murthy Karnan, with over 18 years of experience, is a subject matter specialist in financial inclusion and micro-enterprise development at the bottom of the pyramid. He has played a vital role in sanctioning Bulk Loans to ALFs and nodal person in liaisoning with the State Level Bankers Committee.
His contributions include:
- Creating earnings for 150 families across 13 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu through the Livelihood Intervention Program.
- Systematically developing and handholding over 850+ economic activity groups throughout the state is considered a National Mission model.
- Creating job opportunities through semi-skilled and skilled staffing drives in organizations like Zomato and Aavin.
- Facilitating bank linkage to 6200 SHGs to the tune of RS 500.00 cores benefitting over 89000 rural women.
- Providing skill training for over 12,000 rural youths for employment in various small industries/corporate/self-employments in 4 Districts.
- Making a 90% increase in daily earnings from Rs.20/litre to Rs.38/litre and thus impacting the livelihood of 660 members with native milch animals in the hilly region of Krishnagiri Dist.